Thursday, May 10, 2007


So I met this chick Tina a couple of weeks ago. She lives someplace in Kowloon and is quite the character. She is into maid's rights and assists some of the indo girls when they have problems.

She called me the other morning and asked what I was doing that night. I told her that I was busy. I did her twice before, smart girl since she was the one that asked for the condom instead of me.

When I took her to the hotel the first time, she asked me to stay with her all night and then wouldn't let go of me. Really strong. The second time, she saw me, came over and hit me. Really strong girl. She hit me a little too hard and then laughed. Then she said lets go now. So I went with her and gave her a good fucking. Baby, I am the man.

But I think that I am done with her. She worries me a little bit.

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